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Known (and sometimes fixable) Problems:

Popups about missing DH-key module

Some plugins might have a (lot of) popup(s) showing up about a missing key module of Dave Haupt.

Please if this happens, let me know as quick as you can. I do have this module and I might have just forgotten to put it in! (on my own computer this often doesn't show up)

Plugins that don't load on new windows7 and higher systems?

Synthedit vst(i) need their internal modules to be copied into a map in the same directory as the .dll file. Normally this should happen automatically, but newer systems (windows7 and higher) need to be given permission to create these files into the programfiles folders. To prevent this from happening, I recommend to locate the vst(i) map in the document folder or an external harddrive, so these files can be extracted the first time the plugin runs.


After this first time the files will have been created and can (if pleased) be placed into another folder manually somewhere else on your harddisk where you want them to be.


I'm sorry if this might troubleshoot some people, but I can't help it either that synthedit and windows work this way..

Crashing plugins using delays?

Lately I'm using a lot of Chris Kerry modules and I have experienced some crashes myself using multiple plugins which use different delay-modules. Often I found bad connections while working on a project, but some weird crashes still sometimes happened. I think this might have to do with the amount of plugins I was running at that moment, but I can't be 100% sure. If a crashreport tells you a certain module of the plugin has crashed, please let me know which module, maybe it needs to be swapped for another one or some values have to be limited..

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